World Scholars
Symposium 2022
The Importance of Under-Researched Languages: a Linguistic Analysis of Medʉmba and Rɨkpa
By: Anna Schumeyer & Nicole Taylor
Anna will be graduating with a BS in Cognitive Science, with a concentration in Pre-Professional Speech-Language Pathology, and minors in Linguistics and Global Health. She spent semesters in both Auckland and Prague. On campus, Anna received both a Summer Scholars and Fellows award for working in the UD PhonLab studying linguistic properties of under-researched African languages; Rɨpka and Medumba. Additionally, she served on the Delaware Diplomats council as chair of World Knowledge and as a Cultural Mentor for ELI. After graduation, she will continue her studies at JMU, earning a MS in Speech-Language Pathology, where she received a Graduate Assistant Position.
Nicole studied in Madrid her first semester and then Panama for winter session 2020. Since her sophomore year, Nicole has worked with the UD PhonLab, where she has assisted with many different projects. While in Spain, Nicole enjoyed volunteering to teach ESL and went on to volunteer with the ELI as a reading lab leader at UD. Nicole will graduate with a B.A. in Linguistics and Spanish Studies with minors in Latin American & Iberian Studies and Cognitive Science. She will continue her studies at UD and graduate with an M.A. in Linguistics & Cognitive Science in 2023.