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I have been working with the PhonLab under the direction of Dr. Katie Franich since Spring 2020, working on different projects with other research assistants that will contribute to our knowledge of tone in Rɨkpa and Medumba, and co-speech gestures in Medʉmba, German, and English.

  • Summer Fellows 2020: collaborative project covering consonants, vowels, and tones in Rɨkpa that was presented at the Summer Scholars Symposium

  • Fall 2020-Spring 2021 work on co-speech gestures in Medʉmba

  • Summer 2021: help with gesture data for Anna's Summer Scholars research

  • Spring 2022: working with Dr. Katie Franich and postdoc Karee Garvin to pilot a study with English speakers that has also been carried out with Medʉmba speakers in Cameroon 

While doing an analysis of Rɨkpa, we worked with Fridah Gam, a graduate student at the University of Yaounde in Cameroon. She was instrumental to this study by helping us transcribe the sounds and tone patterns, and providing us with the recordings to analyze.

In return, we have been able to provide her more resources on data analysis and background research, which has helped her with her thesis research on Rɨkpa.

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